Virgen Del Socorro
San Juan Del Obispo
This residential care home for all ages is located in the village of San Juan del Obispo, five miles from the center of Antigua on ten acres of land donated by local land owners. Virgen del Socorro provides a peaceful and quiet living environment for approximately 268 children, adolescents and adults with special needs.
Here, permanent residents have a loving home where they receive 24-hour nursing care, medical attention, spiritual support and education. The Franciscans provide an understanding and stimulating environment and are assisted by a large staff, Guatemalan volunteers and many others who come from around the world to help.
Phase II will provide a clinic for the neighboring vicinity and will be constructed in the future.
San Antonio De Padua Nutrition Recovery Center, Antigua
The center, established in 1990, provides both inpatient and outpatient care for infants and children. It is a 20 bed facility and includes an early stimulation and physical therapy room. San Antonio de Padua also supports families with nutritional education and training for early identification and treatment of malnourished children. These children are in the care of a specialized and multidisciplinary team that includes pediatrics, neurology, nutrition, psychology, physical therapy,nursing and social work. The Recovery Center provides specialized attention to malnourished children from the most impoverished areas of the country. Many of patients are referred from national hospitals, community health workers, and local non-profits.
Sagrado Corazon De Jesus Day Care
The day care center began almost twenty years ago in response to a need by mothers who worked long hours in the local market and had no one to care for their young children. The need has grown over the years. It provides safe, loving, high quality care and comprehensive education for children six months to six years old. It aims to assist in integrating children into the community through early stimulation, education and spiritual guidance.
Renacer, Sumpango
Teens and adults with alcohol and drug addictions find refuge and treatment at Renacer, which means ‘rebirth’. The inpatient treatment and recovery support program is located outside Antigua in a peaceful rural setting near Sumpango. Residents receive treatment by a staff of trained psychologists and physicians as well as Franciscan priests who provide spiritual support and guidance.
Albergue Hermano Pedro, San Gaspar Vivar
Albergue Hermano Pedro is a residential care facility for the senior citizens and for young people with special needs. AOSSHP began to operate this facility in 2022.